Yay for Kay Tours


In this section you can find some general tips for travelling in The Netherlands. In the links right below you can also find some easy day trips, monthly travel tips with some events I recommend checking out, plus a page with some interesting facts that you might not know about this country.


  • EUR / euros is the currency and this can be used in most of the EU.

  • VISA and American Express and other credit cards are not readily accepted in all stores or transport, especially if you get out of the bigger cities. MasterCard and Maestro are the most commonly accepted cards. Therefore it is advised to always have some EUR with you in your wallet.

  • That being said, there are a few stores that don’t accept cash anymore, only cards. This is mainly in grocery stores, for example Marqt.

  • For the places that do accept debit/credit cards they will require you to have a 4-digit PIN code enabled on your card, so remember to arrange this in your bank before you leave if you don’t have a PIN already (this goes for most European countries).

  • Tipping is not expected as it is built into most hospitality services, but most people usually give a few EURs or so to round up a bill if you have had good service.


  • Getting train tickets at the airport can be a hassle if there is a long queue, but while you wait for your luggage it is possible to get train tickets already. Look for the yellow machines close to the customs exit. This can save you some time.

  • NS.nl (website and apps) is a great way of finding out how to get from one place to the next. Also check out 9292.nl (website and apps)

  • Uber from the airport is sometimes cheaper than regular transport.

  • There are more bikes in Holland than people and you will see this as soon as you enter the city. It takes some time getting used to and watching out for the bikes. Remember to not step in the bike lane (usually clearly marked and often red). Also, bikers usually think they have the right of way, even at a crossing, so don’t assume a bike will always stop for you.

  • If you have kids with you it is very important to keep them close by as the bikes can go very fast down the lane and it can be dangerous for kids to play around on the curb next to the bike lane.

  • The best and cheapest option for taxis is Uber in the bigger cities.


  • Kings Day - 27th of April (every year) - A day filled with music, beer and orange. Truly one of the best days to visit The Netherlands. Don’t plan any museum visits or big travels on this day as almost everything is closed and public transport is limited.

  • North Sea Jazz Festival - North Sea Jazz is the largest indoor music festival in the world, known globally as the event where the past, present and future of jazz are featured within three days.

  • Amsterdam Pride - August - Pride in Amsterdam is a week to celebrate diversity and a week to party. With the Canal Pride Parade and lots of street parties this is one of the busiest weekends of the year in Amsterdam.

  • Amsterdam Dance Event - October - This yearly gathering brings together some of the worlds best DJ’s and Producers, flooding Amsterdam with parties and music events Day and Night.


  • If you want to get tickets to festivals, concerts or other events but they are sold out, then check out Ticketswap.com. This website is very secure and the most used website in The Netherlands to sell and buy tickets. You can often find cheaper tickets here for an event than the regular price.

  • You can use either the 9292 app for easy journey planning on any public transportation throughout the country.